
Part Five

Setting Things Straight

By David Cromwell

© 1999 David Cromwell


Chapter One: the Ku Klux Klan

Chapter Two: White Power World-wide.

Chapter One:

The Ku Klux Klan

"White only area" says the writing on the lamp post, gracefully placed under this is a quickly drawn swastika. Things seen right up to then but just a little further down, on a diagonal tilt, are those triple K’s, the ones people who don’t know the difference write to make themselves look great. But it’s about time a few things were put straight.

It is, in my point of view, a great insult to mention the Ku Klux Klan in the same sentence or even breath as the Nazi movement. I feel so strongly about this not because the Ku Klux Klan are Americans, but for two other reasons. One, the beliefs of Nazism and the Ku Klux Klan are different; Two, the Ku Klux Klan’s claim to be Aryan.

Let’s look at point two first. The Ku Klux Klan states continuously that as an organisation their aim is to maintain the "white (Aryan) race". Now let’s look at this claim. The Ku Klux Klan are American, and are therefore not of Nordic descent. I know that a pilgrimage of white people went over there to colonise it, and these would have been Aryan. But when these mated with the native American Indians, they would have produced half-casts, probably a superior race of half-cast as they were whiter than Black half-casts - but half-casts nonetheless. An American might retaliate here and say that Britain is a race of half-casts, but they would be wrong. When the Vikings cam to Britain they found the Saxons, a white race. So when two white join together what do you get? White. But white with the light brown of native Americans gets, lighter brown, NOT white.

what’s this I hear you say? Why are there white Americans? That’s just a matter of genetics:

To produce a white off-spring, both parents would need a gene for white pigment, this would be recessive in an American, but dominant in Britain or Norway.


B = the gene for light brown skin pigment

b = the gene for white skin pigment.


Parental Genotypes would be Bb, Bb as they both need the recessive gene.



The possibilities of two light brown Americans mated off-spring would be:

1 × BB (Pure light brown child - no recessive genes.)

2 × Bb (light brown, but carriers of the recessive genes.)

1 × bb (white, but inferior white as it is born of two light brown parents.)


Then by means of selective breeding (breeding two likes together) a string of white Americans will be produced - but they wouldn’t be Aryans as they originated from two light brown people.

In Britain the case is different, both races - Nordic and Saxons where white. White must be the dominant gene.

W = gene for white pigment.


Parental Genotype would be WW as both Parents are totally white.



So the possible off-spring for the two white races would be:

4 × white children (pure as born of two white parents).


Now, lets move onto the difference in beliefs. Nazism Glorifies the Aryan Race - the pure white race (European). The Ku Klux Klan glorifies the American Race - that impure white race. They might both begin with A and end with n, but they are totally different races and views.

Lets look at the major differences in views.



So, for those who think that the Ku Klux Klan and Nazism movements are the same you are mistaken, and if you continue to ignore the facts of the matter you will continue to look like the hypocrites you are.

Finally, the Ku Klux Klan believe that their blood drop symbol represents the blood of Jesus Christ, shed for the white Aryan Race. this is another contradiction, as Jesus was a Jew. The place he was born and lived would mean that his skin colour would have been olived skinned, therefore not white, therefore, NOT Aryan. He also died on the cross, so it is believed, for everyone’s sins, including the Blacks and Asians. Get it? It would appear that the Ku Klux Klan need to re-read there bibles and have a map handy to check those locations.

Chapter Two:

White Power World-wide

Like the White Pride World-wide scheme, this is another American fascist belief. White Aryans - by American standards - in control of the whole world. What is really translates to, is Americans in control of the world, they have already started this through their attempts of dollar diplomacy, for which they "gain", or in fact buy, loyalty from other countries, through the giving of loans to them - of course these are loans which cannot be paid off so that country is under American influence for a very long time. It isn’t help, it’s a means to control. For the year 2000, British charities have started a campaign to drop all bi-lateral and multi-lateral loans. If this is a success, the Americans will lose all brought influence in Europe so, will have NO part to play in it’s affairs.

Ask any European fascist, and you will learn the true Aryan belief - White Power in White Countries. A great difference.

Let’s look at it this way. The White countries consist of most of the European countries. Therefore we should extend white power in these areas. If we take other countries like Africa, India or Pakistan, we will find that the natives will retaliate and/or immigrate into other white countries, therefore increasing existing problems. We should only concentrate our efforts on glorifying the white countries, leave the others to themselves, then we shall have somewhere to send those unwanted Indians, Pakistanis and Blacks.

The Collapse of many inferior countries has been due to the white occupation of inferior countries. The countries of Africa, India/Pakistan and the Middle East have no meaning to Whites. They offer no economic advantage and take more money out of us, so that whilst countries of inferiority’s are becoming rich, standards of living at home are detraining.

Let America think it can control the world. No one country truly likes them. The slogan of the Aryans should be:


"Content with the Aryan Race;

Contempt to the American Race."


Finally a few words on the White Pride World-wide slogan. If you are truly white why do you need logo and symbols to show your pride. You shouldn’t have to prove to someone, or even yourself, that you have great pride for your colour. You should know already.

So lets not appear stupid. Let’s opt for:

"White Power in White Countries."

© 1999 David Cromwell